அனைத்து அரசு அலுவலகங்களிலும் IFHRMS என்ற செயலியின் மூலம் பணம் சார்ந்த பட்டியல்கள் தயாரிக்கப்படுகிறது. ஆனால் இம்மாதம் மார்ச் மாதத்தில் இருந்த...

Your site isn’t ready to show ads

 We’ve found some policy violations on your site which means that your site isn’t ready to show ads yet.

  1. Google-served ads on screens without publisher-content

    We do not allow Google-served ads on screens:

    • without content or with low value content,
    • that are under construction,
    • that are used for alerts, navigation or other behavioural purposes.

View the Content policies or visit the Help Centre for more information. After you've fixed the violation, you can request a review of your site.

I confirm I've fixed the policy violations on educationsocietymdu.blogspot.com

AdSense error


Copy and paste the AdSense code in between the <head></head> tags of your site, it shows like below error message, how to rectify it?


The widget settings in widget with id <b>AdSense1</b> is not valid. An internal error occurred. Please try again.

Government site error


Not Found

Error: The requested address '/en/english/home/Our_Products/Audit_Report/Government_Wise/union_audit/recent_reports/union_compliance/2011_12/Indirect_Taxes/Report_no_29/Report_no_29.html' was not found on this server.




ABL - Activity Based Learning
ASP - Active server page


CAD   - Computer-Aided Design
CAL - Computer Aided Learning
CSS - Cascading Style sheet
CRM - Customer Relationship Management 
CMS - Content Management System 

DB - Database
DISE - District Information System for Education 
DEO   -  Data Entry Operator
DNS    - Domain Name System

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

FTP - File Transfer Protocol


HTML - Hypertext Markup Language


IFHRMS - Integrated Finance & HR Management System
ITES -  Information Technology Enabled System
IIS – Internet Information Server

JSP - Java Server Pages


LAMP – Lunix apache mysql & php



NIC - National Informatics Center 

OS - Operating System 
ODBC – Open Database connectivity
OLTP – Online transaction Processing
OCR – Optical Character recognition

PMIS - Project Management Information System
PHP - Pre Hypertext Processor
PSD - Photoshop Document


RSS - Really Simple Syndication
RDBMS – Relational database management system
RAS – Remote access server

SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEM - Search Engine Marketing
SMM - Social Media Marketing
SQL  - Structured Query Language
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SSI - Server Side Include

URL - Universal Resource Link
UI - User Interface

VITAL - Value Integrated Teaching and Learning 

WWW - World  Wide web

XML - Markup Language





adsense error

 our site isn’t ready to show ads

We’ve found some policy violations on your site which means that your site isn’t ready to show ads yet.

  1. Valuable Inventory: No content

    We do not allow monetisation where there is no content.

    • No content includes placeholder content for sites or apps under construction.

    For more information, review the following resources:

View the Content policies or visit the Help Centre for more information. After you've fixed the violation, you can request a review of your site.

I confirm I've fixed the policy violations on arasappalams.blogspot.com

Invalid Accounting Combination

 Invalid Accounting Combination i.e, Account Head/Scheme Code: 020200101AA, sdetail_code: 37702

1.Please verify the Account Head Mapped in employee (43030117193) Post .

 2.Please verify the Recovery component Scheme/detail code entered


Invalid Accounting Combination i.e, Account Head/Scheme Code: 800901101AA, sdetail_code: 37702

1.Please verify the Account Head Mapped in employee (43030403480) Post .

 2.Please verify the Recovery component Scheme/detail code entered


You can't log in at the moment

To help keep your account safe, we've temporarily locked it. Before you try logging in again, check your login info and make sure that you're using your usual device on a secure network.


Invalid Accounting Combination i.e, Account Head/Scheme Code: 004904800AT, sdetail_code: 50101

1.Please verify the Account Head Mapped in employee (43030215490) Post .

 2.Please verify the Recovery component Scheme/detail code entered

Invalid Accounting Combination

i.e, Account Head/Detail Head for the Employee No : 43030215490Element Name :Computer Advance Interest Recovery

 Scheme Code :004904800AT, sdetail_code: 50101


web adi error

 You cannot create an entry past the termination rule date.  Cause:        You are trying to create an element entry for an employee assignment which does not end before the termination rule date.    Action:        Please remove your current changes.




2020 errors


Processing: Create Document

Your document is being created.Do not close this window until processing completes.
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. Error: -2147417848 SystemId:

FeedBurner is going away

f ollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (FeedBurner).
Recently, the FeedBurner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021.
After July 2021, your feed will still continue to work, but the automated emails to your subscribers will no longer be supported. If you’d like to continue sending emails, you can download your subscriber contacts. Learn how




If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider: webmaster@pepcollective.com

It is possible you have reached this page because:

  • The IP address has changed.
    The IP address for this domain may have changed recently. Check your DNS settings to verify that the domain is set up correctly. It may take 8-24 hours for DNS changes to propagate. It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions for clearing your dns cache.
  • There has been a server misconfiguration.
    You must verify that your hosting provider has the correct IP address configured for your Apache settings and DNS records. A restart of Apache may be required for new settings to take effect.
  • The site may have moved to a different server.
    The URL for this domain may have changed or the hosting provider may have moved the account to a different server.

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