Removing mrgroup
Running pre removal script (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/prekillacct)......Done
Collecting Domain Name and IP......Done
Locking account and setting shell to nologin......Done
Killing all processes owned by user......Done
Removing Sessions.........Done
Removing Suspended Info.........Done
Cleaning Virtfs.........Done
Removing Web Logs......Done
Removing Bandwidth Files......Done
Removing Email Sending Limits Cache......Done
Removing DKIM keys......Done
Removing Crontab......Done
Removing Virtual Hosts......Done
Removing user's web content directory symlinks......Done
Removing MySQL databases and users......Done
Removing PostgreSQL databases and users......Done
Removing User & Group..........Done
Removing DNS Entries......Done
Removing Email Setup......Done
Removing mailman lists......Done
Updating Databases......Done
Removing Counter Data......Done
Adding IP back to the IP address pool......Done
Removing user's cPanel Databases & Updating......Done
Reloading Services......Done
Removing SSL keys, certificates, and signing requests......Done
Removing mail and service configs......Done
Removing Logaholic Webstats......Done
Sending Contacts...Notification => via EMAIL [level => 3]
Updating internal databases......Done
Running post removal scripts (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/legacypostkillacct,
Account Removal Complete!!!......Done
The installation can not be completed:
- You chose to install in the main directory of the domain, but there are
conflicting filenames, therefore we can not proceed. Following filenames already exist in
the main directory of the domain (path="/home/webadmin/public_html/").You must
manually remove these files before proceeding with auto-installation:
Click on the browser's Back button to fix reported errors.
Different Comparisons